Episode 16- September 1
Erica Karmeisool: Generational trauma, passed down through a veteran family, is exposed when a granddaughter returns her grandfather’s war trophy.
NHK World
On September 1, NHK World News aired a four-minute profile and interview with OBON SOCIETY that was broadcasted in 180 countries.
Daily Astorian
On September 1, the Daily Astorian published a short essay with photographs and letters from families that illustrates OBON SOCIETY work and the lives we impact.
NPR / OPB News: Tom Banse
On August 31, an interview and description of OBON SOCIETY was aired and later rebroadcasted by 475 stations across the country.
In case you missed it... visit our YouTube Channel to see our most recent episodes: https://www.youtube.com/user/OBON2015
As little as $5.00 each month
(about the cost of one cup of coffee!)
will assure OBON SOCIETY
is able to help more families long
into the future.