Japanese Letter Handoff Ceremony / 遺霊品受渡式

Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum team, Consul General Yuzo Yoshioka and OBON SOCIETY team.

On January 15th (Wednesday), a ceremony took place at the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in Oregon to hand over wartime items. These items are 129 postcards and letters written by Japanese families to former Japanese soldiers after World War II, hoping for their safe return. Through a series of surprising events, these letters were brought back to the United States and ended up at the museum for nearly 80 years.
Now, with the wish to return them to their rightful place, the museum CEO, Mr. Scot Laney, handed them over to Rex Ziak, the president & co-founder of OBON SOCIETY. The ceremony was attended by Consul General Yuzo Yoshioka from the Portland Consulate and other guests.
We will try our best to return these postcards to the families in Japan, as they were meant to be delivered 80 years ago. Thank you for your kind support!